At West Row Academy, we are keen to ensure our children are safe when accessing the Internet. We have filters applied by our broadband supplier that protect children from accessing unsuitable material while using the Internet as part of their learning.
Name of Internet Filter Provider: Talk Straight Ltd (trading as School Broadband).
Filter System: Netsweeper.
Staff at West Row Academy are trained to identify indicators that a child may be accessing unsuitable material or may be being groomed or exploited online and from time to time, we may call you to talk about something your child may have told us they have done online, so that you can be kept updated.
As well as staff being well-informed about the risks children face online, and of indicators that children may be being exploited, our PSHE and Computing curriculums teach pupils about how to use and enjoy the Internet safely.
These lessons build cumulatively, in line with pupils’ ages, so they get the right information at the right time to keep themselves safe. We spend time looking at cyber-bullying and ways to ensure pupils can report this and tackle it in a sensible and safe manner.
Should you become worried that your child may be being exploited while they are online at home, you can report it to Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP).
The CEOP Safety Centre:
- Is there to keep children and young people safe from online sexual abuse and grooming.
- Provides information to help those who are unsure about making a report: ‘Should I make a report to CEOP?’, ‘What happens when I make a report?’ and ‘How can CEOP help me?’
- Provides signposting to other sources of support and information, including Childline and CEOP Education websites.
- Do not take reports about online bullying, fake accounts or hacking. It is advised that users read the information and advice contained within the CEOP Safety Centre prior to making a report to CEOP.