West Row Academy


At West Row Academy, we want pupils to be curious, investigative and creative so that they understand the world in which they live.

We will:

  • Provide opportunity for children to produce work that has impact on their local and global community
  • Ensure all children make progress from their starting points
  • instil in every child a passion for learning; a determination to make a difference to others and the realisation that they have the power to make extraordinary things happen
  • motivate our children to be ambitious with their learning; to know and remember more
  • Teach knowledge in a way that considers each child’s individual cognitive loads
  • Teach pupils so that skills and knowledge is progressive whilst making this apparent to our learners
  • broaden our children’s experiences beyond our locality, placing aspiration at the heart of everything we do
  • Link with our local and national community
  • Place a high demand on pupils in terms of knowledge, skills, quality of work and attitudes to learning. 
  • Enrich pupils through carefully planned trips, visitors and experiences
  • Develop our children’s vocabulary, reasoning skills, oracy and understanding of the world around them to prepare them to be resilient citizens of the future
  • Provide our pupils with opportunities to use and develop skills with a purpose that goes beyond work in school books
  • Provide opportunities for children to solve a wealth of problems with confidence and creativity.
  • Be certain that all of our children are securely prepared for the next stages in their educational careers
  • Prepare children to be ambitious in an ever changing world